How to Brush Your Teeth Correctly

How to Brush Your Teeth Correctly

Ali Fadakar -

Not only does brushing your teeth properly and thoroughly give you a beautiful smile, but it also prevents the worst of oral ailments.

By using the right toothbrush and oral care system, anyone can avoid nasty conditions like gingivitis and tooth decay. Even using the wrong toothbrush can cause enamel erosion and damage to your gingival tissue. Whether you're brushing too much or not brushing enough, there is a happy medium when it comes to taking care of your pearly whites.

Cleaning your teeth might be as easy as your ABCs, but it should be done properly. For perfectly pink gums and white teeth follow the three T's: Tools, Timing and Technique


Along with the right toothpaste, floss, and tongue cleaner we all need the right tools to take care of our teeth. The ancient Chinese made toothbrushes from the bristles found on cold climate pigs, while other civilizations used "chew sticks" which were comprised of twigs with frayed ends. Thankfully, dentistry has evolved since then and we now have thousands of different options when it comes to picking a toothbrush. Finding the right brush can mean the difference between getting a thorough clean and destroying your enamel.

A typical toothbrush head should cover two to three teeth at a time and many dentists suggest using soft, polished, nylon bristles to gently remove plaque and stains. The ADA recommends that you brush at a 45 0 to ensure the best cleaning between the teeth and gums. Our 45 0 angled bristles are particularly effective, as the angle ensures that germs and bacteria are removed from the sulcus- the area between the teeth and gums where bacteria often gets trapped.

Electric toothbrushes are also a safe option and assist with getting a thorough clean according to The Dental Essentials. Supersmile's Series II LS45 Advanced Sonic PulseTM Toothbrush has all the benefits of an electric toothbrush, but is the only sonic pulse toothbrush incorporating state-of-the-art sonic technology and the precision shaped Supersmile 45 0 angled bristles.

When it comes to the grip, that's entirely up to you. Though certain ergonomic toothbrushes shape the handles to achieve the optimal brushing angle, like the Supersmile LS45. How long should you have your toothbrush for? Three months is what most dentists recommend, or whenever you start to notice signs of wear. If you're recovering from a cold or the flu, replace your toothbrush soon after you recover.


Everyone from children to seniors needs to spend about two minutes brushing their teeth. Use a timer if necessary. The first time you use a timer, you may notice you are drastically under the 2 minutes. It is best to break your mouth up into 4 sections, and focus on brushing each section for 30 seconds.


To begin, apply a small amount (pearl-sized) of Supersmile Professional Whitening Toothpaste to your toothbrush. Preferably, use a circular motion and cover the entire tooth. Point the bristles of the toothbrush towards the gumline in a 45-degree angle, so that the center row of bristles on your toothbrush is positioned to clean between the teeth and gums. You should always hold your toothbrush at a 45 0 degree angle or simply use Supersmile's Patented 45 0 Angled Toothbrush, which guarantees superior cleaning above and beneath the gum line because of the precision shaped bristles. It's vital that you clean the gum line correctly as to avoid discoloration and more importantly, cavities and gum disease.

Start out by brushing every tooth with a dry toothbrush at the gum crevice, both on the inside and outside of the teeth. Hold the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to the teeth and slide the bristles closest to the inside of the lip under the gum. Vibrate the brush, making sure the tip of the bristles rotate under the gums (like scrubbing the cuticle of a fingernail). Use about ten quick rotations of the brush per tooth, trying not to lift the brush at any point (it's been found that a person invariably lifts the brush on the same teeth time after time, and those teeth never get the right amount of cleaning). On the inside of the front teeth, hold the brush like a lollipop, parallel to the teeth, and brush with the tip, making sure the bristles slip under the gum. If you want to make sure the bristles get under the gum, bite the brush gently and you'll force the bristles up. Brush each section of your mouth for about 30 seconds.

Once you've successfully brushed your teeth for 2 minutes, clean your tongue with a tongue cleaner.To clean your tongue, simply stick out the tongue, and sweep the debris from back to front, then rinse well to wash away the residue. You can also finish off with a sugar free oral rinse or mouth wash. Remember, while you're in the process of brushing your teeth, don't brush too firmly. You can do serious harm to your teeth if you brush them too intensely.

After learning the correct procedure, brushing is simple and the best way to get a beautiful smile. All you need is a toothbrush, toothpaste, and great technique. Remember to brush twice a day and try not to eat or drink anything after your brush in the evening. Once you go to sleep, you swallow about considerably less than you do during the day, so it is harder for your mouth to stay germ-free. A thorough before-bed brushing can transform your smile and ensure that your gums stay pink and healthy, your breath fresh and your teeth white!